Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week One Recap

Well, looks like week one was a success. Not only did Brad, Olivia and I like all three recipes, I gave Dave McCoy a sampler on Friday and he liked all three as well. Of course, Dave likes everything so maybe I shouldn't base my success on his feedback. :) I was expecting to report that I would change something about the recipes to make them better for next time but it ends up that I wouldn't change a thing. Not too shabby for my maiden voyage. Can't wait to see what I come up with next week!

Sweet Potato and Quinoa Salad
"How To Cook Everything Vegetarian" by Mark Bittman
Page 84

Raw Kale Confetti Salad with Toasted Sunflower Seeds
"Clean Start" by Terry Walters
Page 31

Penne and Roasted Vegetables with Basil Sauce
"Clean Start" by Terry Walters
Page 81

1 comment:

  1. I need to get the quinoa recipe from you b/c I love quinoa and sweet potatoes. Also intrigued by the penne. Keep up the good work!
