Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quinoa Heaven!

Okay, so it was slow getting going at our house this morning but I got up, took Olivia to preschool and went to PCC as planned. I was feeling pretty proud of myself because the first three recipes I chose have a plethora of vegetables as ingredients. The first recipe I completed is the quinoa sweet potato salad. Holy cow is it good! I ate one bowl for lunch and Brad ate two bowls. He has never really eaten sweet potatoes before so I am quite pleased that he likes it so much. He is a quinoa guy so this is a great recipe to add to my quinoa repertoire. This recipe is really pure with the only ingredients being quinoa, sweet potatoes, red onion, red pepper, chive, olive oil, balsamic, salt and pepper. Yummy! I also started to prepare a kale salad that I will serve as the side dish at dinner tonight. The kale salad includes red onion, red pepper, grated carrot, grated ginger, olive oil, avocado, lime juice, lemon juice, sea salt and sunflower seeds. We love sunflower seeds at our house so I think this dish will go over well.

Finally, the piece de resistance for the night; penne and roasted vegetables with basil sauce. This one requires a bit more work than the other two including roasting the vegetables in the oven and making basil sauce in the food processor. I'll report back later whether it turns out well or not. Hopefully the former.

I have been trying to decide how to structure my blog and I think I finally have an idea that will work. I plan on writing about the recipes as I make them and then at the end of the week, I will write a quick recap that includes the name of the three recipes for the week, the cookbooks they came from and the page numbers in the cookbooks. This way, I can refer back to each weekly recap if there are recipes that we really like and want to eat again. One week down, 51 to go!

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