Photo Courtesy of Brad Lovejoy
Hello! I am sorry I have been away for so long but sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. Cooking and writing have become such an integral part of my existence that I have missed it dearly. The good news is that I am back and ready to share more recipes.
Today's recipe is Teriyaki Sauce. I decided to prepare Teriyaki Sauce from scratch entirely by accident. Today while I was grocery shopping at PCC, I happened upon a table full of beautiful Maui pineapples. They smelled so sweet, that I decided on the spot to make Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken and Pineapple Teriyaki Salmon for dinner. By the way, I learned how to choose a ripe pineapple while on Maui a few years ago. If the middle pineapple frond pulls out easily when gently tugged, the fruit is ripe. Easy enough, right? I have not chosen a bad pineapple since I learned this trick. Okay, back to my dinner plans. One small problem occurred after I returned home from PCC; I didn't have Teriyaki Sauce in the refrigerator. This of course, led me to my old friend google, which provided the following recipe for Teriyaki Sauce.
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 cup water
fresh grated ginger (about 1 Tbsp or to taste)
3 Tbsp brown sugar
1 minced garlic clove
2 Tbsp cornstarch
1/4 cup water
Combine soy sauce, 1 cup water, ginger, brown sugar and garlic clove in saucepan and bring to boil, stirring constantly. Dissolve cornstarch in 1/2 cup water and add to saucepan. Stir constantly to allow sauce to thicken. If sauce thickens too much, add a bit of water or soy sauce to thin. Serve as marinade or as stir fry sauce. Makes 2 cups.
Let me start by saying that I will never purchase pre-made Teriyaki sauce again. This homemade sauce was just too good. The consistency was perfect without adding soy sauce or water at the end of preparation. The flavor was spot on and we especially appreciated the fresh ginger. Perhaps the best part however, is that all of the ingredients were already in my pantry and refrigerator. If you don't have fresh ginger on hand, I am confident that dried ginger (from a spice jar) would work just as well. This is now officially my signature Teriyaki Sauce. I love having simple recipes in my back pocket for future use!
Photo Courtesy of Brad Lovejoy
Both the chicken and salmon were delicious. The fresh pineapple partnered perfectly with the Teriyaki Sauce by adding just the right amount of sweetness. I served the chicken and salmon with sauteed broccolini, sushi rice and the remaining fresh pineapple. It was a delicious meal that was enjoyed by all.
Recipe Source: