Friday, May 13, 2011

Back In The Seattle Saddle

Back from Maui and missing the sunshine! We were fortunate to have perfect weather for 9 days out of 14 and the other 5 were still good as far as Seattle standards are concerned. We had a fabulous time golfing, playing tennis, eating out, taking walks, swimming, building sand castles, going to the Maui Aquarium, watching wind surfers in Paiia, visiting Surfing Goat Dairy Farm, the list goes on and on. I didn't feel the least bit bad about deciding not to cook while I was there but I have definitely needed a swift kick in the rear to get back in the kitchen this week. Total lack of discipline for 2 weeks breeds additional lack of discipline. What can I say? Ends up I am super good at relaxing. :)

I actually cooked a meal tonight, which I will write about in my next entry, but I want to share a few vacation photos before I journey back to cooking talk. We took many photos of our favorite blonde subject matter and the following are a few for starters. I will definitely post additional photos in future entries as we download them from multiple cameras. Also included below are a few scenery photos as eye candy. Enjoy!

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