Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lovely Cookbook Author

I want to take a minute to write about Kim O'Donnel,who is the cookbook author for two of the recipes I prepared last week. I am surprised and touched that she found my blog entry about her Slurpy Pan-Asian Noodles dish and that she corresponded with me about what could have gone wrong and how to better prepare the dish. I had no idea my little blog would matter enough to warrant a response from the recipe author.

She is a lovely person and I learned a few things from her. First of all, I may have julienned the vegetables too thin and second of all, I used 9 1/2 cups of vegetables instead of 10 cups and this could have made a difference. The lesson I learned is that people take great pains to test their recipes and that I may need to be more exacting with measurements. I didn't think being 1/2 cup off on a large amount of vegetables would matter but it may have been the cause of this recipe seeming over-sauced. Kim also provided me with the measurements to half the batch since the dish feeds a large number of people.

Thank you Kim, for taking the time to write me. I appreciate how much you care about your cookbook and the people using it. I also appreciate your expertise and that you want your readers to feel empowered in the kitchen.

If you click on the title of this entry (Lovely Cookbook Author), it will take you directly to Kim's website or you can use her web address:

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