Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Home Grown Organic Vegetables, Here I Come!

I had what I would consider a truly exciting morning. It was my first trip to my local stomping ground for all things yard and garden related; West Seattle Nursery. Let's just say that the nursery is my home away from home once spring arrives. Today was particularly exciting because I was able to purchase organic Gardner & Bloom Soil Building Compost for my vegetable garden in order to prepare the soil. While I was there, I got sucked into their wonderful selection of organic vegetable starts. So far, I have chosen Walla Walla sweet onions, red onions, Italian garlic, Swiss chard, spinach, leeks, golden beets, red beets and for the first time, potatoes. I have given thought to planting potatoes this year but I don't think I would have moved forward had I not been encouraged by the Manager of West Seattle Nursery, Marcia. She provided me with a set of instructions for planting potatoes and then directed me to potato starts that she highly recommends. This is what makes my nursery and other local neighborhood nurseries so special. They take time to help us make selections that provide the best chance of success.

Once I got home, I spent the morning adding compost to my existing soil. The instructions on the bag directed me to incorporate the mulch in with 5" to 6" of existing soil. As I worked on preparing the soil, I was invigorated by the fresh air (even though there is no sun and it is both drizzling and cool outside). I find renewal in the fact that I am officially preparing for the future bounty of vegetables and herbs that will carry us through summer and fall. It is going to be fun to simply walk into my backyard to harvest the vegetables and herbs I need for my cooking project. What could be better? Here's to home grown produce!

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